at New Heart Church
MomCo, formally known at MOPS, encourages and equips all moms to realize their potential as mothers, women and leaders, in relationship with Jesus, and in partnership with the local church. A MomCo meetup includes practical teaching through speakers, demonstrations, and videos. There will be a wonderful time of adult conversation, plus fun crafts and service projects. It's a great way to connect with other moms and get re-energized! And your kiddos will have a school-style experience they will love - complete with stories, songs and fun activities.
Brenton and Danielle Houvener invite all Young Adults, age 18-25, to join them at their home on Sundays after church for a time of study through the Practicing the Way Series by John Mark Comer.
MEETINGS: Sundays | 1:00 PM
New Heart Church offers GriefShare classes throughout the year. GriefShare is a 13-week, Christ-centered, video-based support group program to encourage and comfort people going through the loss of a loved one.
13 WEEK SUPPORT GROUP: Tuesdays | 6-8 PM | March 2025
Brenton Houvener teachs an Apologetics Class at the church on Monday evenings twice a month. Apologetics deals with answering critics who oppose or question the revelation of God in Christ and the Bible. The purpose of this class is to help defend and grow your faith.
MEETINGS: every other Monday | 6:30 PM | Fall 2025
New Heart Church offers Financial Peace University throughout the year. This program is proven to help you find freedom with your money. The cost of the class is $99.
MEETINGS: Sundays | 1:30 PM | Spring 2025
The New Heart Prayer ministry is committed to praying for our church, community, and world. Everyone is invited to join us every Monday at 9 AM in the lobby of New Heart Church.
New Heart Riders is our Motorcycle Ministry at New Heart Church. We get together once a month and go for a ride and have lunch together. It doesn't matter what you ride, our ministry is about riding and fellowshipping together.
New Heart Martial Arts ministry is a free martial arts class for all ages and families. Classes meet every Monday and Thursday from 6-8 pm in the New Heart Church Fellowship Hall.
The women's ministry at New Heart Church is called Flourish, which simply means to grow and thrive in a healthy way. Our desire is for all women to grow and thrive in their relationship with Jesus. We offer many ways to connect with other women, and be encouraged and strengthened as we journey through life.
New Heart Men’s ministry is not for the faint of heart! We love adventure while fellowshipping together. Bowling, Rappelling, Chili Cook-offs, Paintball games, Prayer Breakfasts, Retreats... just to name a few. Our Men's Ministry offers intentional and relational opportunities to connect with other men and learn more about God.